The HairLoft
                                      by gloria jean
"because we care"

The pH Story of Hair

Did you know ...that today's consumer is faced with confusing claims and conflicting opinions.  Some advertisements feature "non-alkaline" products, while others are "pH balanced."  A hair care scientist will recommend acidic products and a local dermatologist might say that pH doesn't have any meaning with regards to the hair.  Thus, the average consumer is confused and comes to us, the professional cosmetologist for the answer.

There are three basic reasons for choosing acid-balanced hair care products.

1.  A mildly acidic pH is the natural environment of the hair, nails and skin; it is called the acid mantle.

2.  This acid mantle performs a protective function for the protein surface of the hair, nails and skin.  It prevents the protein from drying out.

3.  The keratin protein of the hair, nails and skin surface is mostly structurally compact at mildly acidic pH values. 

The purpose of this content is to explain pH and it's relevance to hair care.  We hope it will provide you information and enable you to answers  some of your thoughts about pH. 

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